Today I sit here snuggling Allie Page who has brand new pj's for jammie day at school tomorrow. My boys are exempt and were home by themselves today and did not kill each other or burn the house down so that is good. I love Christmas, but I used to love it so much more. Its so busy and crowded everywhere you go. It's like suddenly everyone is on edge and stressed out and pushy. I have been feeling like I am walking on eggshells in most of the places I go to. Family is an entirely different issue. This year, they are not speaking to them until they make amends. Them isn't speaking to they because they just can't take any more of it. These other folks haven't spoken to these folks for the last 16 years, they aren't about to start today. Which means, we get to have 4 different Christmas's yes, FOUR. And we all live within 15 miles of each other. I know we are not alone, just reading all of the posts and things on FB.
The other problem I have is my birthday. It is the 10th of December and I hardly get to see my bestest of friends because I recently changed jobs. And so, when 3 of my close friends want to take me on an all day shopping spree and lunch last Sunday, I had a great time, but came home to a grouchy husband. Then I have another 2 friends that are wanting to get together for a b-day lunch but when I mentioned it to my husband, he rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever, we don't need you around here anyway." So long story short, it is hard to enjoy the season when one of the grouchy, busy, pushy and stressed out people is your own spouse. I better start getting back into the Word of God and getting down on my knees and praying so that what others' do and say no longer affects how I feel about the season we celebrate God's greatest gift of all - Our Lord Jesus who was born in a manger. Sometimes, a girl just has to vent a little.
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