Monday, August 27, 2012

Met with Dr. Steinberg today. He has done about 20 of these omentum transposition surgeries.  He does them with a general surgeon, this time, Dr. Dutta.  Dr. Dutta harvests the omentum, stretches it and with only an extra incision at the neck, threads it under her skin and up to the frontal left lobe of her brain.  The frontal left lobe is the area that continues to have inadequate blood flow thus causing her tia activity.  There are risks although small for perforation of the bowel or bladder, hyperperfusion or brain bleed, stroke and death.  The omentum will continue to grow with her as she grows.  She had her blood drawn and then enjoyed a swim in the hotel pool.  We see Dr. Dutta on Wednesday.  Keep us in your prayers please.  She has been so brave.  She is my inspiration!

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