Thursday, September 6, 2012

Allie is doing amazingly well.  She is eating, drinking, smiling and laughing.  It is as if God has given her back to us, if even it is only for a time.  We have our follow-up appointment at 11:30 Cali time.  If all goes well, we will be headed home tomorrow morning.  I miss my family and friends so much.  We are ready to be back at school and back to being our semi-normal selves.  As we snuggle on the bed at the hotel, she cannot seem to get herself close enough to me.  Her feet have slipped themselves into the cracks where my legs come together, she has one of my arms held tightly around her.  She has pushed herself so closely against me that I am almost off the bed.  I wake up almost falling off of the bed to make a dive to the other side, where there is more room.  By the time I get to the other side, she has moved her body completely into the middle.  I try the other side anyway, and as I lay there, she finds me and begins the snuggling process all over again.  These are the moments . . . . . . . that I will miss the most as she grows into a teenager. I always thought that I wouldn't miss it at all.  I thought I would love the thought of that big old king size bed without any children in it.  But the thought of that makes me sad, as I sit here with my baby girl (who is my hero), as she grabs both of my feet with her tiny little toes. : )

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