Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We are finally out of the hospital and Allie is doing much better.  She had a shower this morning and ate some breakfast.  She is currently working on eating cheetos, a candy bar and a dr. pepper (lunch of champions).  She has only had regular children's tylenol for pain and is up a lot more often walking around the hotel room.  We have a follow-up appointment tomorrow at 11:30. I have a complete sense of peace that comes only from God above.  He has wrapped us in prayers from all over the country.  We are blessed beyond measure that she is here with us and that she is smiling and laughing again.  Of course, that sense of alertness and being on-guard that comes with a hospital stay and a big surgery is still with me and will be for a while.  I pray that it will eventually fade so that I can finally release all tension in my body and be the teacher, mother, daughter, aunt, friend and wife that God wants me to be.

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